Monday, November 24, 2008

An apology

First off, I need to offer an apology to anyone who lives within 100 miles of me. On Saturday the 15th around 2 pm, I let loose with a colorful string of expletives that ripped through the atmosphere like Haley's Comet.
That was the weekend that I set forth on the task of reframing and paneling the front and rear ends of the RR. The front woodwork was pretty straightforward. I was able to purchase 1/8" birch veneer panels at a local high end lumber yard. The pine framing came from good 'ol Home Depot. I carefully measured (twice), cut my pieces and rebuilt what had previously turned to sawdust. This was so simple ... just basic carpentry.
Now all I had to do was staple the aluminum skin back on. Well, it seems that my 46 year old trailer had shifted and expanded just a tiny bit over the years. It was probably so happy to be released from that skin that it was determined to not go back in without a fight. And a darn nasty fight it was! (Note to self: get a friend to help with this task next time.) I'd start with one corner and try to stretch the aluminum over to the opposite side. No luck. (2nd note to self: aluminum DOES NOT stretch.) I'd do the same thing in the reverse order. Nope. Long story short, I did eventually win. I figured it would be just golly darn fine if one side has about 1/16" less material wrapped around the edge. The "J" molding would cover it anyhow. The good news was that once I had the front packaged up again nicely, the window actually fit in the opening! Yipee!!
On Sunday, I got to repeat the whole process all over again for the tail end. The framing on the back was much more difficult. It ended up being a bunch of small splices, add-ons, plus a few mistakes and do-overs. But thank goodness, the damn skin went on perfectly. Memories of yesterday's skin disaster began to fade.The icing on the cake was that the luggage compartment door fit perfectly in its place. Double yipee!!!
Two whole days spend wrestling with bits of wood and aluminum. But I could see the progress I was making. I can no longer see the lawn thru that lower rear corner. The four corners no longer feel like sponge cake. I started to think that with my next trailer I would remove ALL the skin and do a complete reframing.
Please tell me that this form of insanity is treatable with medication?!

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