Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mystery appendage!

Last weekend I was able to get in one full day of work on the RR. I removed the birch paneling and pine framing from the front areas. Boy, talk about flow thru ventilation! I am way past the point of no return. I carefully measured every piece and photographed each stage of demolition. I'm going to have to put it all back together at some point. I figured I would complete the front first before I rip apart the back side. Trying to possibly cut my losses!
I went inside the trailer to remove any hardware from the front wall areas. Early on, I had noticed a small, red button with a "pokey thing" in it, mounted just below the front cabinet. I had no clue what it could be, so thought it was best to just leave it alone. But when I went to remove it from the wall , it was wired to the mysterious aluminum triangle mounted outside above the front window. Hmmm. Maybe the RR was used by NASA as an alien contact pod. I immediately ran to the garage, dug out my son's Ghostbusters ectoplasm meter from his old toybox and tried to get a reading on any supernatural residue. No luck. So I did the next best thing -- I contacted one of my fellow trailerites. Many e-mails later, the consensus seems to be that it is some type of antenna jack for a radio. Very cool and definitely unique.
I've done a bit more aluminum polishing in between times. I even managed to really mess up one of the window drip caps. Major overkill with the Dremel. Good thing it can be replaced. I'm learning that "less can be more" when it comes to the fine art of restoration!
With a forecast for perfect weather for the coming weekend, I hope to get alot accomplished. I might even get around to choosing the fabric for my curtains!

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